June 20-22, 2025
Welcome to Wild Camp - A Camp for Men! Our mission is to provide an environment for men to connect with God and each other. Come and participate in manly activities, eat manly food and embrace the man God created you to be!
The activities include archery, skeet shooting, axe throwing, and more!
You can expect nightly worship, teaching, and plenty of ministry time and fellowship. Our hope when you come to this event is that you are filled with courage to be the man, the husband, the father, the grandfather, and the leader that God has called and created you to be!
Cost: $195 before June 1, 2025
*Registration fee includes cost for accommodation, meals and activities*.
Speaker: Landon Dorsch
Pastor Landen Dorsch Is a passionate leader, communicator, author, mentor and outdoorsman. For over twenty years he has led vibrant ministries that have had local, national and international impact for the Kingdom of God. Landen has been the Lead Pastor at Gateway Family Church in Leduc, Alberta, Canada for the last fourteen years. He has been leading his congregation encouraging them to engage one another in Kingdom Culture. At the core of his ministry, Landen models empowerment and pursues the facilitation of the destiny of those he leads, with a message of hope, Landen challenges and encourages the body of Christ to enter into the fullness of what God’s Kingdom has to offer them. Leaning into his love for the wild, Landen is also creatively mentoring a generation to be inspired to live lives of impact through his TV show Kingdom Wild.