Site Structures:
Structures such as decks, sheds, and fences are permitted on your site with approval from the Camp Director. Any structures that are set up without the Camp Director’s permission will be taken down by the site holder. Any changes made to the site need to be run by the Camp Director.
Site Maintenance:
Seasonal and Yearly site holders are required to maintain their own sites by keeping the site clean and garbage free.
Keeping up with landscaping (grass cutting, tree trimming, raking etc.) Limited tools are available for use by Seasonal and Yearly site holders in the new shed by RV Bathroom.
No trees or existing fences may be removed without the permission of the Camp Director. Damage to trees or flower beds or any property belonging to the camp must be paid by the one responsible. The destruction of trees without the permission of the Camp Director will be subject to a fine and/or replacement cost for tree of comparable maturity.
All parked RVs on Seasonal and Yearly sites shall be kept in repair and maintained well.
Yearly and Seasonal sites cannot be booked and then left vacant for a period of more than one year.
Yearly and Seasonal site holders shall not make changes to camp owned water or electrical systems.
Only domestic/household dogs and cats are permitted on the campgrounds.
The following regulations apply:
Seasonal site holders, renters, guests and visitors are required to keep pets under control at all times.
All pets must be kept on a leash on camp property at all times.
All pets must be kept tied up, caged or contained at all times while outside of premises.
Pets are not allowed inside the dining hall, canteen, chapels, or any public camp buildings.
Pet owners are responsible to clean up after their pets and placing waste in a sealed bag and then discarded in appropriate garbage bin/dumpster.
Pet owners must keep their pets from bothering other campers by making nuisance or continuance of barking.
Pets are not allowed on the beach. Pets should be up to date on all shots/vaccines.
Owners are required to provide proof of vaccines if requested.
Pet owners are liable for their pets, the actions of their pets and injury/damage caused by pets.